Yukie and Maxence's wedding

Our venue (almost)
Cette conférence zoologique est consacrée à l’étude d’une espèce de mammifère extrêmement rare et incroyablement fascinante : Le Max à poil ras où Maxus hominis, une espèce proche du paresseux, dont vous pouvez observer un magnifique spécimen ici présent. Il s’est adapté à des habitats très variés et évolue rapidement, de telle sorte que l’on peut observer en temps réel l’apparition de nouvelles sous espèces.
Mon confrère et moi-même allons vous faire un descriptif des principales espèces.
Il réagit au danger ou aux évènements imprévus en haussant les épaules et en dressant le sourcil gauche. Par ailleurs, il peut ingurgiter de formidables quantités de nourritures, bien que le devenir de cette pitance reste un mystère pour les spécialistes.
Le Max des prairies vit dans le Sud-Ouest de la France où il passe le plus clair de son temps à glander. Il lui arrive toutefois de travailler pour se nourrir, et de sortir la nuit pour aller boire des coups. Le Max des prairies possède cette faculté étonnante de disparaître soudainement pour se téléporter et coloniser des habitats humains pour y hiberner pendant des durées étonnamment longues. A la manière des loirs dans nos toitures, il peut être nécessaire d’employer des trésors d’imagination pour l’en déloger !
Le Max des steppes vit dans les régions les plus reculées de Sibérie dans des conditions très rudes. Il ne vit que la nuit, et dort la journée pour préserver son énergie. Paradoxalement, il est capable de franchir de très longues distances dans des conditions extrêmes de blizzard et de froid afin d’aller retrouver ses congénères dans des rituels festifs ou collecter des boissons psychotropes detinées à participer auxdits rituels.
Le Max des cavernes est l’espèce la plus évoluée. Il maitrise l’utilisation d’outils complexes comme les tire-bouchons ou les PC, avec lesquels il entretient une relation quasi-fusionnelle. Un Max intelligent et sobre peut battre aux échecs les joueurs les plus aguerris.
Le Max des montagnes vit dans les Alpes autour de Grenoble et n’en sort que très rarement. Grâce à ses longs bras et ses griffes puissantes, il est très à l’aise dans les milieux escarpés et peut se déplacer à la verticale avec une grande célérité. Il se nourrit exclusivement de charcuterie et de fromage, et cultive un intérêt particulier pour les breuvages à base de plantes de montagnes.
La dernière sous-espèce observée par l’institut zoologique du Périgord est tout à fait incroyable. Apparue il y a quelques années seulement, cette variété possède la capacité de se mouvoir dans les airs dans d’énormes tubes d’aluminium et accomplit des migrations régulières vers l'Extrême-Orient asiatique. Il semblerait qu’il ait développé une relation symbiotique avec une autre espèce endémique des îles du Soleil Levant que nos collègues japonais appellent communément la Yukie. Quelle joie alors d’observer ce nouveau couple dans une parade amoureuse aussi poétique que sophistiquée, dont le point d’orgue se situe dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, dans une riante petite mairie au décor somptueux, où nos deux spécimens se sont choisis, sous l’œil complice de leurs amis et de la famille avant de redémarrer plus ou moins exactement les mêmes activités qu’au départ, pareil, mais à deux.
This zoological conference is devoted to the study of an extremely rare and incredibly fascinating species of mammal: the short-haired Max aka Maxus hominis, is a species close to the sloth, of which you can observe a magnificent specimen just here. It has adapted to a wide variety of habitats and is evolving rapidly, so that the appearance of new subspecies can be observed in real time.
My colleague and I will give you a description of the main species known to science.
He reacts to danger or unexpected events by shrugging his shoulders and raising his left eyebrow. In addition, he can swallow tremendous amounts of food, although the future of this food remains a mystery to specialists.
The prairie Max lives in the South West of France where he spends most of his time loafing about. However, he sometimes works for food, and goes out at night to go to drink. The Prairie Max has the amazing ability to suddenly disappear to teleport and colonize human habitats to hibernate for surprisingly long durations. Like the dormers in our roofs, it may be necessary to use treasures of imagination to dislodge it!
The Steppe Max lives in the most remote areas of Siberia in very harsh conditions. He lives only at night, and sleeps during the day to preserve his energy. Surprisingly, he is able to cross very long distances in extreme conditions of blizzard and cold in order to go find his congeners in festive rituals, or to collect psychotropic drinks in order to participate in said rituals.
The cavern Max is the most evolved species. He masters the use of complex tools such as corkscrews or PCs, with which he has a quasi-fusional relationship. An intelligent and sober cavern Max can beat the most experienced players in chess.
The Mountain Max lives in the Alps around Grenoble and comes out very rarely. Thanks to his long arms and powerful claws he is very comfortable in steep environments and can move vertically with great speed. It feeds exclusively on cured meats and cheese, and has a special interest in mountain herbal beverages.
The last subspecies that has been observed by the Zoological Institute of Périgord is quite incredible. Appeared only a few years ago, this subspecies has the ability to move in the air in huge aluminum tubes and performs regular migrations to the Far East Asia. It seems that he has developed a symbiotic relationship with another endemic species of the rising sun islands that our Japanese colleagues commonly call the Yukie. What a joy then to observe this new couple in a love parade as poetic as sophisticated, the epitomy of which takes place in the South West of France, in a cute town hall with sumptuous decor, where our two specimens have chosen each other, under the complicit eye of their friends and family before restarting more or less exactly the same activities as before, the same, but together.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It’s a real pleasure to be here talking to you on this special day of Yuky and Max today. For those who don’t know me, my name is Nami, I’m maid of honor and best friend of Yuky.
First of all I have to say how beautiful and stunning Yuki looks. When I met her for the very first time in school I never imagined I would be standing here as Yuky's maid of honor in the beautiful south of our France.
How amazing and crazy our lives could be - we went to the same school 20 years ago, we were just classmates and didn’t talk much after graduation. But 10 years later, when I started working in London, I got a phone call from Yuky all of a sudden, “Hey Nami, it’s Yuky, I’m in London too!”
That was a game changer and ever since we spent lots of time together, party like animals, talk about the career, complained about guys who give us hard time, we did many things together.
Even after we started to live in different countries our friendship never ended. When I started working in Singapore, Yuky visited me and we partied on top of marina bay sands, after Yuky went back in Japan and I visit there we hit the downtown of Tokyo and had crazy nights, another good memory is we both fly into Barcelona and danced all nights long. For Yuky's hen party, we partied on the boat in Cyprus. So we party pretty much all over the world, and we just love that. And what’s impressive is that whenever I was drunk and wasted, Yuky was always perfectly sober because she doesn’t drink any alcohol but she is a perfect party girl.
All these years of our friendship, I got to know a lot about you - how caring you are, how sweet you are to people around you, how positive you are in any circumstances, and how hard working you always are to get what you really want.
It may not have been an easy journey for you two to get here in such a distance but I’m so happy and excited to be here to celebrate this beautiful moment with everybody here.
Max, there are a few advices from me for you to take to keep your wife happy:
  1. Feed her good foods as she loves eating;
  2. Take her around the world and explore different places together as she loves travelling;
  3. Yuky is always right no matter what.
Try to remember these things and keep your beautiful wife happy in your new chapter of life.
Lastly thank you very much for letting us be here to share this beautiful moment today and once again a massive congratulations on your wedding.